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The University of Texas at Austin - What Starts Here Changes The World The University of Texas at Austin Division of Student Affairs

Research Consortium

Project 4, Mental Health Concerns of Non-Clinical Sample

In order to continue establishing a data base which includes both clinical and non-clinical samples, our fourth project concentrated on recruiting students who had not sought counseling at the time they were surveyed. They were asked to fill out the same Counseling Concerns Survey booklet that was used in Project 3. Such sampling helped to determine differences in mental health concerns experienced by students who seek counseling versus those who do not avail themselves of such services. This fourth sampling allowed us to compare and contrast students' mental health concerns over a 12-year time span (i.e., across the previous three samples). Data were obtained on 1,500 students at 15 colleges and universities.

Highlights of the Research Consortium 2002 Non-Clinical Sample Study
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